Genetic Pet Registry ©
Genetic Pet Registry The Registry for Sharing

What we do with you and your pet’s Data

By creating an account and registering, documenting uploading information of you and/or your pet to you are explicitly giving permission for to store the information provided and for to use the information for data interrogation and characteristics charting of breeds tendencies and other scientific interpretation. We will not sell or share any of your personal information! Your details such as (but not limited to) your email, phone number, address, and of course payment information is secure and will be kept strictly private and not be shared, sold, or distributed to any individuals, companies, organizations, or any other entity without your explicit permission. All your pets’ critical information such as (but not limited to) birth date, microchip numbers, outside registry numbers, or anything that could be used to duplicate or infiltrate private personal connections will be kept strictly private and will not be shared, sold, or distributed to any individuals, companies, organizations, or any other entity without your explicit permission. Only the pets’ physical characteristics will be used for database and charting. If you choose you can share the access code with whomever you like and giving permission for to share only the pets’ physical characteristics (an non-critical information) with the interested party. is a privately owned property and all information contained in its database and website is solely retained for use by All images, videos, and text content are copyrighted and shall not be duplicated or used by any individuals, companies, organizations, or other entity without explicit permission. is not responsible for the DNA testing nor any of the content published in the DNA test results. is not associated with any of the test lab entities. By registering and providing DNA Test Results you are explicitly giving permission to store the DNA Test Results. You are also explicitly giving permission to contact the DNA test facility to validate that the Test Results that you have stored in our database is the same as what the test facility provided.

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Genetic Pet Registry ©
Genetic Pet Registry The Registry for Sharing

What we do with you and your pet’s Data

By creating an account and registering, documenting uploading information of you and/or your pet to you are explicitly giving permission for to store the information provided and for to use the information for data interrogation and characteristics charting of breeds tendencies and other scientific interpretation. We will not sell or share any of your personal information! Your details such as (but not limited to) your email, phone number, address, and of course payment information is secure and will be kept strictly private and not be shared, sold, or distributed to any individuals, companies, organizations, or any other entity without your explicit permission. All your pets’ critical information such as (but not limited to) birth date, microchip numbers, outside registry numbers, or anything that could be used to duplicate or infiltrate private personal connections will be kept strictly private and will not be shared, sold, or distributed to any individuals, companies, organizations, or any other entity without your explicit permission. Only the pets’ physical characteristics will be used for database and charting. If you choose you can share the access code with whomever you like and giving permission for to share only the pets’ physical characteristics (an non-critical information) with the interested party. is a privately owned property and all information contained in its database and website is solely retained for use by All images, videos, and text content are copyrighted and shall not be duplicated or used by any individuals, companies, organizations, or other entity without explicit permission. is not responsible for the DNA testing nor any of the content published in the DNA test results. is not associated with any of the test lab entities. By registering and providing DNA Test Results you are explicitly giving permission to store the DNA Test Results. You are also explicitly giving permission to contact the DNA test facility to validate that the Test Results that you have stored in our database is the same as what the test facility provided.
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