Genetic Pet Registry ©
Genetic Pet Registry The Registry for Sharing

Performing the DNA Test

Sanitize and Isolate

The test subject should be isolated from contacting any other animal (or any object or items that other animals contact) for at least 12 hours. Clean and sanitize all food and water bowls that your animal will use prior to this isolation. Clean and sanitize all items that the animal will contact (especially with the mouth) prior to the isolation.

Food and Water

Provide clean fresh or bottled water for your pet to drink a couple hours prior to the test. Remove all food at least two hours prior to the test.

Wear Gloves and/or Wash Hands

It is best to wear a pair of medical or sanitary gloves while handling the collection swab. Otherwise, wash hands thoroughly immediately before handling the swab. Change gloves (or wash hands) between animals if you are performing the test on multiple subjects.

Follow the Instructions

Our advise here is intended to be in addition to the testing providers’ instructions. If our instructions directly contradict their instructions, please disregard our suggestions. Complete the test as instructed by the provider.

To obtain the most accurate results,

We Advise:

We have found that most brands’ instructions on the advance preparation for the test are lacking. Given that the DNA is collected from the saliva, we have further advice on preventing cross contamination in the situation that there may be multiple animals present. The labs generally do have methods to prevent cross contamination from corrupting the results. It is just a good idea to keep it as clear of issues as possible.
Genetic Pet Registry ©
Genetic Pet Registry The Registry for Sharing

Performing the DNA Test

Sanitize and Isolate

The test subject should be isolated from contacting any other animal (or any object or items that other animals contact) for at least 12 hours. Clean and sanitize all food and water bowls that your animal will use prior to this isolation. Clean and sanitize all items that the animal will contact (especially with the mouth) prior to the isolation.

Food and Water

Provide clean fresh or bottled water for your pet to drink a couple hours prior to the test. Remove all food at least two hours prior to the test.

Wear Gloves and/or Wash Hands

It is best to wear a pair of medical or sanitary gloves while handling the collection swab. Otherwise, wash hands thoroughly immediately before handling the swab. Change gloves (or wash hands) between animals if you are performing the test on multiple subjects.

Follow the Instructions

Our advise here is intended to be in addition to the testing providers’ instructions. If our instructions directly contradict their instructions, please disregard our suggestions. Complete the test as instructed by the provider.

To obtain the most

accurate results,

We Advise:

We have found that most brands’ instructions on the advance preparation for the test are lacking. Given that the DNA is collected from the saliva, we have further advice on preventing cross contamination in the situation that there may be multiple animals present. The labs generally do have methods to prevent cross contamination from corrupting the results. It is just a good idea to keep it as clear of issues as possible.