Genetic Pet Registry ©
Genetic Pet Registry The Registry for Sharing

Not just a Breed

Your pet is and individual!

We do not just register ‘breed’. Ours is the one and only registry to record all the characteristics of each animal! We are not just for show animals, competition, or breed standards. We are here to build a database for real world, and ALL back yard pets!
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Your Data

It’s YOUR information! You have control of the data and you can add or edit the information as often as you like.

DNA or Not

If you have DNA test results, you can store that information here, and we will validate it with the testing lab. Your pet then will be classified as ‘Registered’. If you do not have a DNA test, your pet’s data will be classified as ‘Documented’.

All Inclusive

All breeds and crosses

We are all inclusive. As well as pure breed animals, we want data on all the designer (or cross breeds)!

For Sharing

We are the only registry that provides you the ability to share your pet’s information with anyone directly from our online database!

More Information

Genetic Pet Registry ©
Genetic Pet Registry The Registry for Sharing

Not just a Breed

Your pet is and individual!

We do not just register ‘breed’. Ours is the one and only registry to record all the characteristics of each animal! We are not just for show animals, competition, or breed standards. We are here to build a database for real world, and ALL back yard pets!

Your Data

It’s YOUR information! You have control of the data and you can add or edit the information as often as you like.

DNA or Not

If you have DNA test results, you can store that information here, and we will validate it with the testing lab. Your pet then will be classified as ‘Registered’. If you do not have a DNA test, your pet’s data will be classified as ‘Documented’.

All Inclusive

All breeds and crosses

We are all inclusive. As well as pure breed animals, we want data on all the designer (or cross breeds)!

For Sharing

We are the only registry that provides you the ability to share your pet’s information with anyone directly from our online database!

More Information